Silver Bullet Roots is a very versatile product that has various dose rates depending upon how you are using it.
For active hydroponic system maintenance it can be used at an ongoing does rate of 0.5 - 0.8mL per Litre but it can also be used at higher rates to help shock treat existing issues or for system flushing between crops.
Constant dose maintenance
to keep systems clean
High rate shock doses
to treat serious problems
Flush out systems in
between crops
1. A typical bacterium naturally emits a negative charge. Silver Bullet is attracted by this charge to the problem.
2. The presence of Silver Bullet inhibits the defence mechanism, allowing the powerful free radicals to attack the bacterium’s cell membrane.
3. Free radicals penetrate the membrane and destroy the bacterium. Once killed, it no longer emits a negative charge. Excess Oxygen is released.
4. Silver Bullet is now attracted to the next problem site that is
emitting a negative charge. The process repeats.